
How To Take Care Of Your Jewellery Post The Wedding

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[ Relationships ]

4 Brides Share How They Celebrated Onam After Their Wedding

September 15, 2024 // By Neha Karra
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What Does Your Daily Horoscope For 19 September 2024 Say?

The universe wants you to tap into your inner most thoughts today dear readers...It can lead to some grand revelations...

19 September Daily Horoscope
[ Culture ] These Wedding-Themed Romance Novels Will Sweep You Off Your Feet // By Salva Mubarak

<< The high-stress management of the ceremony, dysfunctional family members, the exotic locales if it’s a destination shindig or the all-around feeling of love in the air makes for the perfect foil for love stories, as evidenced by the countless romantic novels set with weddings as a background. >>


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Don’t Let Divorce Stop You From Finding Your Next Business Venture

Whether you’re a celebrity or a regular person who spends their Saturday nights fishing popcorn debris out of their ratty T-shirts while watching The Office re-runs, there’s a chance your relationship might not work out the way you envisioned it to go. However, that shouldn’t mean you can’t make the most of the situation! Take Dubai’s Princess Shaikha Mahra, for instance, after divorcing her husband publicly on Instagram, the royal is now launching a perfume called ‘Divorce’! Now the question needs to be asked: How does one bottle disappointment and disenchantment?