The year’s first supermoon asks you to lay down the groundwork for your future. Here’s everything to know…
The year’s first supermoon is upon us and this time it coincides with Mercury going in retrograde. This month’s full moon, or Sturgeon Moon as it’s commonly known, will rise in the sign of Aquarius on August 19 and will have a unique impact on each zodiac sign.
Since it resides in one of the most rational and forward-thinking signs, you can expect progress and acceleration towards your goals during this period. It also emphasises themes of innovation, community, and breaking free from the norm. Want to know how you can make the most out of this unique lunar event? Read on…
The Sturgeon Moon can bring up intense emotions as you try to focus solely on the path ahead. Here’s what you should keep in mind as the night of the full moon approaches…
August’s supermoon will highlight your friendships and long-term aspirations. You may feel a strong urge to break free from old habits and seek new connections or reassess your goals. This is a great time to assess your network and leave behind what’s no longer serving you well.
This full moon could bring sudden changes on the professional front and it could affect the way people around perceive you. You might feel a push to break away from traditional paths and pursue a more unconventional approach in your professional life. Listen to your gut and follow what your heart is telling you.
For Geminis, the Sturgeon Moon encourages expanding your horizons. You might be drawn to new philosophies or want to embark on a journey that challenges your existing beliefs. Don’t be afraid to challenge your past beliefs as you learn more.
This full moon brings deep emotional insights and could highlight issues related to shared finances, inheritances, or intimate relationships. You may feel compelled to make transformative changes but don’t make any big decision without thinking about it properly.
The spotlight is on your close relationships this full moon, Leo. Expect shifts in your partnerships that could prompt you to reconsider the balance of power and mutual respect in your connections.
For Virgos, this full moon highlights the need for innovation in your daily routine and health habits. You might feel motivated to break out of a rut and adopt new, healthier practices. Listen to what your body is telling you and take the first step towards a healthier you.
This lunar event shines a light and wants you to indulge in your romantic side and explore a creative pursuit that satisfies your inner aesthete. It’s also a time to manage your expectations when it comes to relationships and communicate well.
The Sturgeon Moon wants you to pay closer attention to domestic issues and family dynamics. You may feel a strong urge to shake up your space, literally and figuratively, by undertaking a home makeover project or addressing deep-seated issues within your family relationships.
For Sagittarians, this full moon energises your communication and intellectual sector. You might find yourself engaging in meaningful conversations that lead to sudden realisations or learning new skills that expand your knowledge.
Take this as a sign to work on the foundation of your future goals, Capricorn. The Sturgeon Moon highlights your financial situation and invites you to work on making a sound strategy for the challenges that lie ahead.
As this full moon occurs in your sign, you’re likely to feel its effects more strongly than others. This is a time of self-realisation and embracing your individuality. You might feel a strong desire to assert your independence and break away from limiting circumstances.
The Sturgeon Moon encourages you to turn inward and focus on your spiritual well-being. This is an excellent time for meditation, reflection, and letting go of past burdens that no longer serve you.
Salva Mubarak is the Digital Editor of Manifest. In her free time, she likes to read murder mysteries, discover new KitKat flavours, and rank movie makeovers (not necessarily in that order). View Profile