You're being called to be gentler and kinder to everyone (including yourself). Let’s take a look at what your horoscope has in store…
You may be feeling a sense of nostalgia or lack right now, just know it isn’t permanent. The stars can reflect our deepest fears to us, in a bid to help us learn how to heal from them. Trust the universe and know that you’re being set up for a stronger foundation. Whatever is being shaken up, it’s for good reason! Read your daily horoscope to know more…
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Have you been contemplating a major change, Aries? The universe wants you to take this as a sign to know that you’re at the right place in your life to make this change. Don’t look at your surroundings and circumstances as a marker for whether or not you can take this risk. Especially if you know it will help you level up healthily!
Taurus, you’re not one to complain. So when you point out a dysfunction, it’s because it is a flaw that can lead to major problems. So, your spirit guides want you to be more confident about your inputs, they could save you and the people around you a whole lotta trouble.
Gemini, be real with yourself. Have you been denying the truth about someone you care about? If so, the universe is guiding you to stop defending those who hurt you, especially if all you’ve seen is a bunch of excuses from their end. When people don’t care to apologise, you’ve to take a hard look at your stance in their life.
You’re being led to a great time in your life, Cancer. You’ve been working super hard and the universe recognises and applauds all the grit you’ve been putting into your work and personal life. But today, be careful about not taking on other people’s load. Just because you’re a loving person who enjoys giving doesn’t mean you do the majority of the work!
Leo, today the stars are guiding you to be cautious of people who watch your work but hesitate to mention it to you in person. Sometimes people are only following you to compete, not to feel inspired and add encouragement to your life. And you deserve nothing less than loud encouragement.
As one of the mutable signs, you’re relatively more flexible (as compared to your earth sign broskis). This is why you’re great at working with others. But, understand that you cannot be the only one to understand and negotiate, dear Virgo. Perhaps it’s time to learn from your fellow earth signs on how to stand on business and stop being diplomatic.
Libra, your gentle demeanour has opened many doors for you. People like to assume that it’s your pretty privilege or charm or people-pleasing behaviours that get people to favour you. But the truth is that you’re kind and gentle with others. Today, the universe wants you to recognise that you’re more than your appearance and your charm.
Scorpio, you may be considering reconciliation with someone from your past. The stars are guiding you to act on this today, but don’t bend backwards for anyone’s approval. You can invite people back into your life without bending all your rules.
You’ve got a lot to look forward to, Sagittarius. You’ve been working hard at designing the life of your dreams and today, you’re being called to revel in this realisation. The stars are guiding you to continue with the work you’ve been doing and don’t forget to take well-deserved breaks either.
As a sign with the ruling planet Saturn, you’re often handed the most difficult life lessons. Just know that this difficulty will leave you with a wealth of wisdom in the later years of your life. Your spirit guides are with you every step of the way and you are not alone in this!
Aquarius, be careful about how you speak to those you love. Your wittiness is your greatest strength, but sometimes your words can cut deep and be a little too dark for people. Today, you’re being guided to pay extra attention to your communication with the people around you.
You’re such a dreamer, Pisces. And though you may have heard that this trait of yours is naive and won’t earn you the life you desire, the stars want you to know that the best masterpieces are imagined in the mind. If your mind can imagine a masterpiece, it can make it. Just start acting on all the creative ideas you have, and you’ll see proof of this in no time.
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